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 Reunions Are Not So Sweet

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Walto Disney
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Walto Disney

Posts : 31
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Reunions Are Not So Sweet Empty
PostSubject: Reunions Are Not So Sweet   Reunions Are Not So Sweet Icon_minitimeThu Sep 06, 2007 10:29 am

Note: You most read "Surprise, Surprise" for this to make sense.

Reunions Aren’t So Sweet

With the babysitters:

It was a marvelous day in Nome. The sun was shining, the sky was free of clouds, and the water was calm. Nikki, Kaltag, and Star had finally gotten the pups to calm down for a bit and nap. They were so relived that they could regain what little bit of sanity they had left.

Kaltag groaned. “No one mention the word pups.”

Star was quick to annoy him. “How about puppies?”

Before Star could even think he was on the ground. Kaltag was defiantly not in the mood for his games, so, he gave him a lesson.

“The last thing I need is for you to wake them up and get them hyper again.” grunted Kaltag.

Nikki looked at them and shook his head. “Will yous guys calm down and give me a moment’s peace?”

Just then the three heard something stirring. They looked and saw a pup getting up. All three shared the same thought. ‘The pups are waking up already!’

With Balto:

The gang of four had finally made it down the mountain. The Sun was getting lower and gray clouds were forming in the blue sky. The four were walking on a sandy beach by the ocean.

Balto looked out at the ocean and saw a dense fog heading their way. ‘Perfect, just perfect.’ he thought to himself.

Within about ten minutes the fog was on top of them.

Balto called back to the three. “Okay guys, we have to stay together. We don’t want to get lost in this.” Balto stuck his nose back to the ground as to stay on Jenna’s trail.

They were coming upon the fork in the road that Jenna and Koota had taken into the forest. Balto had noticed that there was someone that was either with Jenna or was following her as well. He couldn’t be sure. He pushed the thought out of his head and continued sniffing. The fog kept getting thicker and thicker.

“You are telling me.” Boris began, “But what are chances that we will get lost? Probably next to none.”

Muk was walking when he accidentally tripped over a root. He stumbled into Boris and knocked him over.

“Watch where you are going!” scolded Boris.

“Sorry, Uncle Boris.” Muk apologized.

Balto and Luk hadn’t even noticed the little incident and kept going. Balto and Luk came to the fork in the road and turned left. Boris and Muk turned right, heading along the coast instead of going through the forest. About five minutes later Luk realized that something was amiss. Where was Muk? He looked back to see no one there. He waddled over to Balto and started whimpering.

“What is it Luk?” asked Balto.

Unfortunately, unlike Boris and Muk, Balto couldn’t really understand what Luk was saying. Luk started whimpering again. Balto just stared at him with a confused look.

“Boris could you tell me what he is saying?” Balto waited for a reply but didn’t get one. “Boris?”

He looked behind Luk to see that Boris and Muk weren’t there. Balto had two choices. Follow his trail back to where Boris and Muk had disappeared or follow Jenna’s trail and hopefully find her and whoever was following her. ‘I hate these decisions.’ he grumbled in his head.

With Boris:

Boris and Muk had been walking through the fog for a good while. Boris hadn’t seen Balto since when Muk had fallen onto him and he hadn’t heard from him in a while. He just thought they were on the right track so there was no reason to talk.

Boris began sarcastically. “Well, where are we now mister, big, shot, navigator?”

There was no answer.

“Balto? Hello? Where are you!?” Boris was getting worried now.

“Uncle Boris, where is Balto?” asked Muk.

“I don’t know.” he replied meekly.

With Jenna:

“Are you sure that you know where you’re going?” asked Jenna.

‘Oh great, she’s questioning me again’ thought Koota. “Yes I’m sure Jenna. You don’t have to ask every ten seconds.”

The two had been traveling in the same direction for awhile. As they were walking Jenna noticed that the forest was thinning out. About ten minutes later they popped out into a huge clearing. Koota was to busy sniffing to care. Jenna looked around and found to her surprise that there was a wolf pack.

“Um, Koota?” she stammered.

“What is it now?” Koota said irritated.

Jenna pointed out the wolf pack. “Look over there.”

Koota shrugged and did what she said. Her jaw literally dropped. This place looked familiar. It was so weird. Jenna kept looking around when something caught her eye. It was a little red and white pup. The pup almost looked like her. It couldn’t be, could it?

“Rudy?” she squeaked.

With Rudy:

He had had such a wonderful time playing with Tara. The two had nearly become inseparable. They were playing outside in the beautiful sun. Today they had decided to play on some of the big rocks.

“I got ya now!” he cheered.

“Oh no, you don’t!” Tara fought back as she pushed him off of her.

The two continued to wrestle until Rudy heard his name. He stopped and glanced around. Nobody was looking at him so who could it have been? He ignored it and started playing again. After about a minute of playing he saw something or someone out of the corner of his eye. He stopped playing again and looked around. He saw her near the edge of the clearing. It was a husky.

“What’s wrong Rudy? Fraid you’re gonna be beaten by a girl?” Tara laughed but Rudy kept staring. “Rudy? Are you okay? You don’t seem well.” She still didn’t get a reply. “Nika!” she called, “Can you come over here!?”

Nika came trotting up to her. “What is it Tara?”

“Rudy’s gone zombie!” she quickly answered.

Nika laughed. “He’s not a zombie.” She looked in the direction he was looking in when she saw Jenna. “Who is that? Tara get Nero. We have an intruder!”

Tara shot off like a bullet.

“Stay there Rudy, and don’t move!” she ordered.

With Jenna:

Jenna saw her coming. A wolf that did not look friendly.

“Koota, get into the bushes, now!” she yelled.

Koota jumped into the bushes and hid as well as she could. The wolf came barreling towards Jenna. Jenna stood her ground. The wolf stopped inches away from her.

“Who are you and what are you doing here?” the wolf snarled.

“I’m looking for my son!” Jenna snapped back.

With Nika:

‘Who the heck does she think she is? A dog trespassing on our pack lands. I won’t allow it!’ she thought furiously. “Well I doubt that your son is here!” she backfired.

The stranger bared her teeth. “Well it won’t hurt to check!”

“That’s it!” Nika yelled.

Nika jumped onto Jenna and they started rolling around. Each trying to catch the other off guard. Jenna found Nika’s leg and bit down hard. Nika yipped in pain. Koota was watching the horrendous scene close up and how she wished to be far away from it. Soon both were on the ground with a large wolf over top of them.

With Jenna:

Jenna was dumbstruck. She didn’t know what had hit her but it was defiantly big. When things came back into focus she saw a wolf over her. She struggled to get free but couldn’t.

“Why have you come here?” asked the wolf calmly.

“I want to find my son!” she exclaimed, trying to calm herself down.

“I do not think he is here. Also, who is your friend that I sense is near?” Nero asked.

Without Jenna saying anything, Koota came out from the underbrush.

With Nika:

Nika saw the wolf pup come out from the bushes. She began to think, ‘There’s no way it can be her. The chances are next to none. I shouldn’t even bother.’ But she had to try. It was the only way she would know.

“What is your name?” asked Nika hopefully.

The wolf pup replied. “My name is Koota.”

She had never felt so happy. “Koota!” she was near the point of sobbing.

Koota looked at her and realized who it was. “Mama? Mama!”

Jenna looked and saw Rudy coming towards her.

“Rudy!” Jenna cried.

Rudy ran up to her. It was just like a fairytale ending. Little did they know that they were being watched by a strange figure.

With Balto:

Balto had decided to continue on his journey to find Jenna. He knew that Boris wasn’t completely helpless, and besides, he still had Muk with him. He had to catch up with Jenna to find out if she was alright. This didn’t stop wishing that Boris was there to translate Luk.

Luk whimpered.

Balto tried his best to translate. “Fly bid Penna flow cough to? What?” It made no sense.

He whimpered again.

“Oh forget it.”

The two kept walking for a little while. The fog had long since disappeared. Balto was still following her scent, but it was getting stronger. He also started to smell other scents. He started thinking.

‘Who are these animals? Are they friendly? Is Jenna here with them?’ He started to fear for the worst. ‘Have they hurt her?’

He would find out soon enough. The forest thinned out into a huge clearing. Straight ahead of him was a rising mountain with many caves. Right below that there were a series of ledges that gently sloped down into the ground. To his right there was a stream that nearly cut the clearing in half. Trees surrounded the area in an almost oval shape. He looked back at the ledges to see a wolf coming towards him. He readied for an attack.

The wolf calmly came up to him and asked, “Who are you and what are you doing here?”

Balto replied in an easy voice, “I am Balto and I have come searching for my mate.”

Nika thought for a moment, “Balto, Balto, why does that ring a bell? Wait! Are you the Balto, son of Aniu?”

He nodded his head. The wolf started to howl and more wolves started coming closer.

The same wolf that howled presented him. “Brothers and sisters. We have been privileged to have Balto visit us. And yes I am talking about Balto, son of Aniu the white wolf.

Many gasps could be heard from the pack. A big, grey wolf walked up to him.

“Is this true?” he asked.

“Yes it is.” Balto began, “May I ask your name?”

The wolf nodded. “Yes, I am Nero. I am the Alpha of this pack. What has brought you here?”

“I have come here looking for my mate, Jenna.” Balto answered.

“I know exactly where she is!” Nika jumped in. She then ran off to get Jenna.

Minutes flew by as Balto waited. He was so eager to see her again. The crowd of wolves parted as she walked up, still half asleep with Rudy on her back.

“What’s this all abou-…Balto! Balto is that really you!?” Jenna got so excited that she accidentally knocked Rudy off. He landed still asleep.

The crowd gathered closer as Jenna and Balto reunited together. *BAM!* Out of nowhere there was a gunshot and a yelp. Everyone started panicking and running about. Nobody had noticed the hunter that had been watching them. Balto and Jenna were trying to find Rudy in the frenzy. They found him still on the ground.

“Rudy get up! We have to get out of here!” screamed Jenna.

There was no response. Jenna nudged him.

“Come on Rudy, wake up!” she yelled again.

Still he did not move. Balto pushed her aside and checked his heartbeat. Nothing. He looked at her, tears starting to form in his eyes. He shook his head.

“No! He can’t be!” cried Jenna.

“There he is!” one wolf yelled.

The other wolves saw the hunter as well. They all charged at him. He bolted. Just then a polar bear and a goose popped into the clearing.

“Balto! We have been looking all over for you!” Balto called.

“Oh Luk!” Muk cheered joyfully. “We found you!”

Boris looked at Balto puzzled. “What is wrong?” He waddled over and saw his face and Rudy’s body.


Balto nodded his head and lowered his ears. Jenna was crying. She had been reunited with her son and had lost him again. The other three joined ‘round and began to cry too. A stray bullet had taken the life of an innocent pup. He had not felt pain for very long for it had hit him in the heart.

“I’ll kill him.” Jenna said darkly. I’ll kill him if it’s the last thing I do!” She had never felt this much hatred.

Balto did the best to comfort her but she broke away.

“Get away from me! I’m going to kill that-!” she couldn’t finish her sentence.

Before she could finish Balto slapped her.

“Get a hold of yourself! There’s nothing you can do now. If you kill him you will be just as bad.” Balto said.

Inside she knew he was right but she was just too enraged. “Why shouldn’t I! He took the life of our son!”

“I know that. But what’s done is done. Let’s go home.”

It took them about a week to get back home. Balto carried Rudy’s limp body back. Nobody said anything. When they arrived in town they got a warm welcome. Nikki, Kaltag, and Star came running up with the pups, so happy that they would be free of puppy sitting. They knew something was amiss when nobody smiled. The pups gathered around their dad. He dropped Rudy off and the pups started sniffing him.

Alue asked innocently, “Papa, is Rudy asleep?”

Jenna started to cry but she said, “Yes he is. But he won’t be waking up.”

“But why mama?” Kodi asked.

She cried. Balto just went over to her and sat down.

The dogs held a funeral for Rudy. They buried him by the waterfall. They had gotten a plank of wood and carved the words “Rest in Piece”.

The End.

By: Walto Disney
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PostSubject: Re: Reunions Are Not So Sweet   Reunions Are Not So Sweet Icon_minitimeSat Sep 08, 2007 7:34 am

Crying or Very sad Awwww,Jenna how could you do that to Rudy.*sniff*
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Walto Disney
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Walto Disney

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Join date : 2007-07-24
Age : 31
Location : Michigan, USA

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PostSubject: Re: Reunions Are Not So Sweet   Reunions Are Not So Sweet Icon_minitimeSat Sep 08, 2007 7:35 am

I know sad isn't it. Crying or Very sad That is going to be one of my few super sad ones.
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