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Walto Disney
FanFiction Mod
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Walto Disney

Posts : 31
Join date : 2007-07-24
Age : 31
Location : Michigan, USA

Haunted Empty
PostSubject: Haunted   Haunted Icon_minitimeTue Oct 02, 2007 8:37 am

I know this took forever but I hope you like it. Very Happy

Note: if you have not read, “Disturbed” Then this will not make sense.


Balto was just about to fall asleep when he heard a voice. It gave an eerie good night. He jumped up to look for anybody who could have said it. No one was there except for a sleeping Boris. He shook Boris awake.
“Boris wake up.” he yelled.
“What, what, what!?” he honked.
“I think there’s someone else on the boat.” Balto said looking around.
Boris did the same. “I don’t see no one! You are paranoid! Go back to sleep!” he grumbled. He did not care to be woken up in the middle of the night for no reason.
“Boris is right. I’m just hearing things.” he murmured.
“Aye! I don’t want to be kept up half of night by your mumbling!” complained Boris, “I am very tired.”
“Okay fine. Bird brain.” he said to himself.
“I heard that!” Boris called.
Balto said nothing more and both tried to go to sleep. Boris of course, had no trouble sleeping. It took Balto a good hour to drift off.
Balto was in a flowery meadow. Different colored flowers dazzled his vision and the sun was shining. Not another soul was insight. In front of him rose a mountain. ‘This is nice.’ he thought.
“Oh look guys. He’s with us now.” said a voice.
“Ooh great. Now we can really have fun.” commented another.
“Yeah, he’s where he cannot escape.” said a third voice.
“Who are you?” asked Balto, looking around.
“No one you need to know about. Like we said, you’re with us now.” cackled the first voice.
“Let’s make this scene more appropriate.” replied the third voice.
All of a sudden black clouds painted the skies. Balto watched around him as the once pretty flowers started to die. A heavy rain started to pour. It washed away all the soil and leaving a rocky wasteland. Balto couldn’t believe it. This once beautiful scene turned to a nightmarish landscape. Balto looked around. “What have you done? Tell me who you are!”
“But why would we want to do that? It’s too much fun.” giggled the second voice.
“You know what else is fun?” the third voice asked Balto. “Causing you to have the worst dreams ever.”
Balto heard snapping and groaning. He felt something slide over his paws and immediately looked down. Root-like things had come up from the ground and ensnared his paws. He couldn’t move. Snakes appeared and started to crawl all over him. A wolf pack came from the horizon and surrounded Balto. They started laughing. Balto also saw some familiar dogs. Nikki, Kaltag, Star, Steele, and Jenna. He couldn’t believe his eyes. his best friends and mate were laughing at him. Complete strangers were mocking him. The next thing that happened hurt, Jenna went over to Steele and nuzzled him. Then, as if told to do so, the snakes that had previously been crawling over him suddenly bit him, hard.

He awoke with a yelp and started breathing heavily. The sun had risen a while ago. It was almost noon. The dream had seemed so real.
“That was a terrible nightmare.” he said. “Hey, Boris, where are you?”
He saw a shadow in the corner.
He turned around. “Ah Boris, I’m happy you’re here. Boris?”
Boris wasn’t there.
“Oh please tell me I’m not insane.” Balto prayed.
He went onto the deck, looking for Boris. ‘Where can he be?’ he wondered. He headed back into the cabin where he always slept.
Boris came up behind him. “Good morning sleepy head.” Boris cheerfully greeted.
Balto jumped almost five feet into the air. “Don’t scare me like that!” he yelled.
Boris looked at him, clearly surprised by his action. “Geez, what is your problem? Yelling at me for saying good morning.”
“Sorry Boris.” he said, feeling sorry. “I just had a nightmare that freaked me out. I’ll be okay.”
“I hope so. You have been acting paranoid since you went in house.” Boris said.
“I know, Boris. I’ve been seeing and hearing things that aren’t there.” Balto sighed.
“You have not been getting much sleep, maybe you are still tired.” suggested Boris.
“That’s what Jenna said.” he began. “But so far I haven’t been able to sleep. I’m going to walk around in town for a bit.”
Boris looked at him and smiled. “Okay, but try to not overreact to anything.”
“Gotcha Boris.” Balto smiled meekly and hopped off the boat, eager to talk to Jenna about the dream.
He arrived at Jenna’s house a few minutes later. There he saw Kodi talking with Jenna.
He smiled at them. “Hi. How’s everyone doing?”
Kodi looked up at him. “Sorry dad.” he looked back at Jenna and she nodded. “I didn’t mean for you to go in there and get yourself hurt.”
“It’s okay Kodi. It’s not your fault.” Balto said and looked at Jenna. “You told him?”
“Of course. Why shouldn’t I have?” asked Jenna. “He did have a right to know.”
“You’re right. Jenna I need to talk to you.” he looked at Kodi. “A private talk.”
Kodi nodded his head to signal that he knew he was not included. As soon as Kodi was out of earshot Balto began his story. It took a good five minutes for him to finish.
Jenna looked amazed. “Wow, are you okay? That must have been a terrible dream.”
“Yeah, well I’ll live. I better get back to the boat now. See you Jenna.” he gave a happy wave and started back.
To his relief nothing strange happened to surprise him on the way back. Nevertheless he kept checking every so often behind him. He decided that he would just relax today and gather his sanity. Boris was there to keep him company while the sun crept across the sky. Soon it was sundown and the two started to say their goodnights, and Balto started to dream.
A clearing came into view. Tall pine trees surrounded it. A clear blue stream slowly flowed through the clearing. Birds were chirping and everything was peaceful. It wouldn’t last forever…
“Please don’t let them return.” whispered Balto.
On cue he heard the first voice. “Welcome back.”
The second voice chimed in. “Did you miss us-”
The third voice cut in. “Like we missed you?”
‘Oh great.’ Balto thought.
“Yes it is great.” chuckled the third voice.
Balto froze. ‘Had that voice heard his thought?’
“Yes, isn’t it wonderful? That we can read your every thought.” rang in the first voice.
“Now shall we continue from the previous night?” asked the second to the third.
“Why yes we shall. And Balto, have a good time, because I know we will.”
‘Oh no.’ he thought, afraid of what they would do. Balto looked around. Everything was starting to fade, fade into oblivion. Soon he was engulfed by a blackness. He looked around. Every glance given him a sinking suspicion that whatever they had planned was going to be terrible. Then he heard a mysterious voice call his name.
“Balto…Balto where are you?” it faintly cried.
Balto somehow knew this voice. He called back to it, “Jenna? Jenna is that you?”
The scene flashed into focus. He was back in Nome. It seemed around five o’clock and people and animals were busily doing their business. People were going in and out of houses and the post office was busy as usual. It looked just like in real life. He saw her in the crowd. She had a worried face and she was wandering around, calling his name. To his relief it was Jenna. He started to run to her.
“Jenna I’m so happy you’re her!” he exclaimed.
His running didn’t get him any closer to her. Instead she started to slip away. He looked around him. The houses and people were also slipping past him.
“Jenna!” he yelled.
He kept running and running. A mix of panic and confusion filled his mind. The last thing he saw was the house at the end of the land and then everything completely disappeared and was replaced by a new image. It was a circus. Carnival music played and laughter could be heard. Laughter from people who weren’t there. Behind him and to his left and right empty stalls with different striped roofs formed lanes. In front of him stood a red and yellow striped tent with an overhead, wooden, sign that read “Hall of Mirrors”. He started to walk away but hit a barrier.
“Ow, what was that?” he asked.
He put his paw in front of him in the air and felt a wall. It was completely transparent. He carefully walked to his right and left to find he was surrounded by these “walls”. He headed back towards the tent to find no barrier. ‘Well I don’t think I want to stay where I can’t do anything.’ he thought. He went into the tent. Different mirrors with different heights and widths surrounded him. He paid no attention to the funny figures that appeared.
“I’ve never really been a huge circus fan.” he said looking at one mirror that made him look fat.
He then walked into a maze of mirrors.
He chuckled. “The classic mirror maze.”
He stepped into it, not knowing that he was not alone. He took even more steps until the maze was all around him. All of a sudden his ears perked up. Had he just heard footsteps? He was alone in this maze right?
He heard a voice from the shadows. “Welcome back…Wolfdog.”
Then the music halted and Balto spun around to see another dog. He couldn’t see this stranger very clearly. Before he could see say anything the stranger bolted to the depths of the maze. Balto ran to catch up with him until he stopped to listen. There were no footsteps now. He continued through at a slower pace. Just then all the mirrors flooded with one image.
Balto growled. “Steele.”
All the images around him laughed. “That’s right half-breed. Miss me?”
Suddenly the mirrors around him folded into one huge room with no escape.
Balto muttered to himself. “Great now what am I going to do?” He then spoke loudly to all of the images. “Why would I miss you? You’ve been nothing but a pain ever since I came here.”
Steele laughed harder. “Aw, now I’m hurt. You’re always so mean.” Steele said sarcastically.
“Why are you here?” Balto asked.
Steele smiled. “A better question would be what you’re gonna do now. Because I’ve got you surrounded.”
Balto laughed. “Oh yeah? They’re just knock-offs that aren’t even real. They’re just a reflection.”
If only he knew how far from right he was.
Steele grinned. “You’d think that, wouldn’t you?” he said darkly.
Balto looked around at the images, clearly confused. “What? There’s only one of you…”
Then all the images disappeared. Balto could feel his pulse quicken. ‘What is going on here?’ he asked. He felt a tap on his back. He nearly had a heart attack. He turned around as fast as he could to see no one. He slapped his forehead with his paw.
He was annoyed now. “Oh great! Now I’m feeling things that aren’t there!”
The fur on the back of his neck was standing on end at this point. Something was going to happen and it wouldn’t be good. Then the mirror that Balto was facing started to crack.
He looked at it, completely bewildered. “What the?”
He heard another cracking behind him. He turned to look at it. The rest of the mirrors, heading out from the two that had cracked, started to crack also. Balto backed into the center.
“What’s going on here?”
Then everyone one of them shattered simultaneously. The music started back up but was much slower. The normal happy music sounded scary and evil. Balto looked where the mirrors once stood. Then he saw a figure step out from the hole in one mirror. And then another, and another. They just kept coming. They started to surround Balto. They were all Steele.
The first Steele that appeared smiled smugly. “See? I told you that you were surrounded.”
There were about at least a hundred of them.
The same Steele looked at his ‘team’. “Get him.” he ordered.
The Steele’s started to come closer. He had to admit that he was scared. Balto tried to drive them away by growling and snapping his jaws. But it didn’t work. They just kept coming.
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Walto Disney
FanFiction Mod
FanFiction Mod
Walto Disney

Posts : 31
Join date : 2007-07-24
Age : 31
Location : Michigan, USA

Haunted Empty
PostSubject: Re: Haunted   Haunted Icon_minitimeTue Oct 02, 2007 8:37 am

It was so big that I had to seperate it. Smile

“WAKE UP!!!!” yelled a voice.
Balto suddenly woke up. He felt a sting on the side of his face.
“Balto! Balto let go! I want to keep my leg!” yelled Boris.
Balto looked to see that he had a death bite on Boris’ leg. He let go immediately.
“What happened Boris?” he asked.
“Oh same as usual.” Boris began. “I wake up, see you tossing and turning, I go to wake you up and get attacked. Typical morning.” he finished sarcastically.
“So sorry Boris. I didn’t mean to.” Balto apologized. “I don’t know why but I can’t sleep or relax. It’s driving me crazy.”
“Well maybe you need to go to relaxing place. Like the beach?” Boris said. “Me myself, am going talk to Jenna about how paranoid you are getting.”
Balto sighed. “Alright Boris. I’ll take a walk on the beach. I’ll be back later.”
Boris looked at him and was about to walk off. “Okay Balto. Just try to have a nice time.”
Balto sighed again. He hopped off the boat and onto the beach. He had to admit, it was a nice day. The sun was just peeking through the clouds.
“Winters so close now. I wonder why we haven’t seen snow yet?” Balto asked.
He looked over the beach. It was a nice enough day that there was even a child on it. It was a little girl human playing jump rope. Suddenly the air around him started to cool. He could see his breath.
He was really frustrated now. “Not again!”
He looked up and down the beach. What could be doing this? He then looked at the girl. He was looking at her from the back. She had brown hair with pigtails. She was wearing a red, plaid shirt. She wore coveralls and brown shoes. He looked at her jump roping. It seemed as if time was distorted around her. She seemed to hover in midair and her jump rope was moving much slower then it was supposed to. She then started to sing a merry children’s melody while she had her back to Balto. Her song was slower than normal and it carried an eerie message. Balto couldn’t help from listening.
“Skip, skip, skip to my Lou.
Skip, skip, skip to my Lou.
Skip, skip, skip to my Lou.
Skip to my Lou, my darlin'.
Fly's in the buttermilk, shoo, fly, shoo.
Fly's in the buttermilk, shoo, fly, shoo.
Fly's in the buttermilk, shoo, fly, shoo.
We’re going to find and get, you.”
The last sentence grabbed his interest. He listened more intently on her words but, something also caught his attention. This little girl’s voice sounded like he had heard it somewhere. He just ignored this last thought and continued to listen.
She stopped jump roping but continued. “Little, wolf, we’re coming for you.
Little, wolf, we’re coming for you.
Little, wolf, we’re coming for you.
You’d better watch your back, now.”
‘What’s wrong with this kid?’ Balto asked himself. Then the girl turned to face him. Balto normally would have looked into her eyes but only saw white. He jumped back. What had happened to her eyes?
The girl started to talk to him. “How are you wolfie?”
Before Balto could do anything she started giggling. She waved her hand and disappeared right in front of his eyes. Leaving behind a cloud of mist. Balto just stared. ‘How am I going to explain this to Jenna without making myself sound insane? …Well it’s worth a shot.’ he thought. He raced through Nome to her house. He decided to cut through the alleyways. He was just to pop out of an alleyway that was just across the street from her house when he saw someone with her. A Saint Bernard was talking to Jenna. Why was it that every time he needed to talk to her someone was there first? He didn’t even recognize this dog. He decided to stay where he was so he could listen.
“So you really think so Ron?” he heard Jenna say.
“There’s no doubt in my mind. This may get serious.” he heard the Saint Bernard answer.
He heard Jenna reply. “I know. It just feels like something feels different between us. Something that I can’t explain.”
Balto started to get angry, and he had no idea why. One minute he was calm, and the next he was furious. He bolted back to the boat. Trying to run off the anger.
Jenna finished. “It seems that Balto and I aren’t in sync anymore. He’s changing and I didn’t know what to do. Thanks for the help.”
Ron smiled. “No problem Jenna. Just call me if you need me again.”
Balto got back to the boat and laid down in the cabin.
“Okay, okay. I need to calm down.” he said to himself. “I don’t want to do something stupid.”
But that didn’t really help. ‘Why do I feel so angry? There’s nothing to be mad about.’ he thought.
A voice argued back. ‘Of coarse there is. She’s going against you. It’s so obvious.’
‘Oh shut up. You’re not helping.’
Boris walked up to him. “Eh boichick. How are you doing?”
Balto sighed. “Not so good. I feel so different, like I want to explode. And I have no clue why.”
Just then Jenna walked onto the boat with something in her mouth.
Balto just sighed. “Oh great. Why is she here?” he muttered to himself.
Jenna looked at him. She couldn’t say anything with this thing in her mouth. She put it on the deck.
“Hi Balto. I’ve come to visit you. I also brought something with me.” she said in a sweet voice.
He replied sarcastically. “What? My walking papers?”
She was taken aback. “What are you talking about?”
He got up. “Never mind.”
“Balto. You’ve been acting very different lately. I’m worried. That’s why I got this.” she said.
Jenna pushed a bottle with a cork in front of Balto.
Balto just had to ask. “What is it?”
Jenna began to explain. “I heard that when humans drink this water they are ‘healed’ from what they say. They call it ‘Holy Water’. I just thought that if you drink it you may feel better.”
Balto looked at her skeptically. “Fine… I’ll try it later.”
“Okay Balto. To open it just pull the cork out.” she looked at Boris. “And have Boris help you pour it into your bowl.”
He looked at Boris and back at Jenna and smiled. “Jenna. If I could bring back the medicine, then I think I can handle a bottle.”
Boris laughed. “Ha! You couldn’t handle a house. Much less a bottle.”
“Oh yeah? Would you mind if I brought Muk and Luk here?” Balto countered.
Boris gave him a dead serious look. “Don’t even threaten that. You do and I ring your neck like church bell.”
Jenna laughed. It was good to see them arguing again. They always had the silliest fights. And Balto was actually feeling better. All the negative emotions he had been feeling earlier disappeared.
Balto laughed. “Oh come on. They love to visit there Uncle Boris.”
“Yeah I know.” Boris said smiling. “But there happiness always brings me misery.”
Balto began. “Well if it brings them happiness-”
Boris interrupted. “Then I will make your life terrible.”
Balto grinned. “Well it’s already that way.”
Boris playfully slapped him. “Always wise guy.”
“You know what Jenna? I feel so good right now I’ll drink that water.” Balto said, walking over to the bottle.
“Well that’s great Balto. I’m glad you decided to drink it. Balto? Balto!” she yelled.
Balto had fallen to the deck about a foot from the water. He was twitching.
“Ow! It burns! It burns!” Balto howled, grabbing his side. The side with the mark.
All three had completely forgotten the mark. Boris and Jenna ran to him. What could they do? They had no clue on what was causing this. Jenna leaned over Balto. Suddenly Balto’s expression changed.
Balto growled at Jenna with a voice that was not his own. “Get away from me. Get away!”
Jenna was shocked. She looked into Balto’s eyes and saw pure hatred. Balto stood up and walked over to Boris. His face had taken a different look.
Balto gave a wicked smile to Boris, which would have sent a shiver down your spine. “Hey flatfoot. Having fun?” he said with a cocky air to the new voice that had taken his own.
Boris was speechless, his mouth hanging open.
“What’s wrong turkey? …Cat got your tongue?” he asked with a grin.
Jenna finally spoke out. “Balto what’s wrong with you?”
Balto still had the creepy grin. “Why nothing Jenna. It’s still me.”
“Who are you fooling!?” blurted out Boris, who had regained his speech.
Balto looked at him. “Ya know. I liked it better when you were quiet.” He walked over to the bottle. “And I never cared for bottled water.”
Jenna realized what he was going to do. “No wait! Stop!”
But it was to late. Balto grabbed the top of the bottle and started to whip it around. He threw it and it hit the deck. It instantly shattered into a million pieces, and the water sprayed everywhere.
“No!” she yelled.
Jenna gave Balto an angry look. Balto chuckled and started to sway. He fell onto the ground. He could hear is name being called while he slowly lost consciousness and everything gave way to black.

To Be Continued

By: Walto Disney
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Posts : 22
Join date : 2007-07-21
Age : 30
Location : USA

Haunted Empty
PostSubject: Re: Haunted   Haunted Icon_minitimeThu Oct 04, 2007 5:12 am

O_O OMG, Can't wait for more! Very Happy Nice Work, man!

And a Happy B-day to you soon! Very Happy LOL XD
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Walto Disney
FanFiction Mod
FanFiction Mod
Walto Disney

Posts : 31
Join date : 2007-07-24
Age : 31
Location : Michigan, USA

Haunted Empty
PostSubject: Re: Haunted   Haunted Icon_minitimeSat Oct 13, 2007 12:03 pm

Completely forgot to reply! Silly me. Laughing Thanks for your comment and the for wishing me a Happy B-day Ariu. Smile The next story in this series won't be out for a while. I've decided to take a challenge and work on four fanfics at once including the next in line for this. I hope nobody will mind if I break the flow of the series for some other fics. Anyways, that's my explaination and I'm sticking to it. XD
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Haunted Empty
PostSubject: Re: Haunted   Haunted Icon_minitime

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