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 Surprise, Surprise

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Walto Disney
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Walto Disney

Posts : 31
Join date : 2007-07-24
Age : 31
Location : Michigan, USA

Surprise, Surprise Empty
PostSubject: Surprise, Surprise   Surprise, Surprise Icon_minitimeMon Aug 20, 2007 9:01 am

Note: This is a direct continuation to The Flood. If you have not read The Flood then please do so now. And please do not say “Oh that pups name is” because I know that. I made my own names for the two without names.
Surprise, Surprise

Rudy was stuttering. He couldn’t get a word out. Who could blame him? He was trying to talk to an alpha male and he was only a small pup.
“I will not ask again.” he said in a stern voice.
“I-I-I’m Rudy. I-I was washed away in a flood. I saw land and p-paddled to shore.” was all Rudy could get out.
“What shall we do with him?” asked a female wolf.
“We should take care of him.” stated another female.
The other wolves looked and stared. The wolf that said this had been separated from her only pup awhile ago.
“Nika are you crazy? He is a dog. Not a wolf.” said the alpha.
Just then a male noticed Rudy’s paws. He mentioned this to the alpha. The alpha looked at his paws.
“Hmm I seem to be mistaken. This pup has wolf blood.” he said.
“Oh please Nero, please.” Nika pleaded.
“Fine. But if he steps out of place it will be your responsibility.” Nero replied.
The pack headed back with a new member. They walked into a dense forest.

With Jenna:
“Who’s there?” Jenna repeated with a snarl.
Just than, a wolf pup fell through the bush. It started to cower when it saw Jenna. Jenna just looked at it. She had had a heart attack from just a little pup? She walked over to it.
“What are you doing out here?” Jenna asked.
“I-I lost my mama.” she cried.
“Oh that’s terrible. What’s your name?” Jenna asked with concern on her face.
“I’m Nakoota, Koota for short.” she said feeling a bit more comfortable.
“Would you like to come with me? I can help you look for your mother.” said Jenna.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to cause you trouble.” replied Koota.
“Non-sense. It won’t be a problem. But we will be walking a lot.” stated Jenna.
She happily agreed. Jenna continued her journey for her lost son with a new friend.
With Balto:
Balto was having no trouble tracking Jenna since her prints were still so fresh. It was much easier than tracking Steele.
“Balto! When we stop for the night? My feets are aching.” complained Boris. “It is getting darker out.”
“Okay Boris. If you’ll stop complaining.” sighed Balto.
“What? And miss fun. Never.” said Boris.
Balto sighed again. How could he not have noticed Jenna disappear? They set up camp at the foot of a mountain.
With the babysitters:
“Get down here before yous hurts yourself.” Nikki commanded.
“Aw, but I don’t want to.” said Alue.
“Yeah.” replied Kodi, “Tis way to fun!” he laughed.
It was a mad house in the boiler room. Star, Kaltag, and Nikki were completely outmatched by the onslaught of puppies. Dingo and Saba were using a barrel and a plank for a teeter-totter, Alue was climbing all over some boxes, playing tag with Kodi, and Jeri was biting Star as if he were a chew toy.
“This is unbelievable, ridicules, maddening, insane, this is…” started Kaltag.
“Will you shut up and help me over here!” wailed Star.
“I don’t ever remember being this active.” said Nikki.
“Hello! Anybody! Getting attacked over here!” shouted Star.
By the time they got Jeri off of Star, Dingo and Saba had gotten off the “teeter-totter” and had snuck up behind Kaltag. He sat down and was attacked.
“I hope Balto gets back soon!” cried Kaltag as he was tortured.
With Jenna:
The morning sun crept through the tall trees and the beams landed on a small wolf. She woke up and stretched.
“Morning already?” she yawned. “It’s too early. I want to go back to sleep.” she complained.
Just than a husky stirred. She got up and stretched. She looked at the sky.
“What a beautiful morning!” Jenna smiled.
“I see you’re a morning person. I just love mornings.” Koota said sarcastically.
“Why? What’s wrong with mornings? It means it’s a brand new day.” Jenna said.
“Nothing, except that they wake you when you’re dreaming, which stinks.” she fought back.
The arguing persisted for quite some time.
With Balto:
“Up! Up! Get up you idiot balls of fluff! GET UP!” yelled Boris.
Muk woke up with a shock. Boris yelled again and Luk shot into the air and landed right on Boris.
“Gef oof af meh.” mumbled Boris.
Luk started whimpering which was his way of talking.
“I don’t know Luk. It could be a ghost.” began Muk with a terrified look, “Uncle Boris. Uncle Booris. Oh no Luk, the ghost got him! Oh what are we going to do?”
“Rozos. Gef oof of meh!” Boris mumbled again. He than poked Luk in the bottom.
Balto woke up and then looked at the scene. He couldn’t stop himself from laughing. They were always so crazy. Muk was freaking out with Luk and Boris was buried under the big polar bear. He went over to Luk and pointed out that he was sitting on his uncle. Luk quickly got off of him.
“Come on boys, get up. We have to catch up with Jenna.” implied Balto.
“Does everything you say have to deal with motion?” honked Boris.
With that they set off to continue their journey.
With Rudy:
Rudy woke up in a small, dank, cave. He yawned and stretched. ‘Where am I?’ he thought. He could see the sun peeking through the trees, into the small cave. There was a strong scent of pine in the air. He got up and started to explore. ‘How did I get here?” he thought again.
“Good morning sleepy head.” giggled a voice.
Rudy jumped. He didn’t notice anybody had been come in. He turned around to see a wolf pup.
“Hah-hi. I’m Rudy.” he said, getting over his shock.
“My name’s Tara.” she said.
“How did I get here?” he asked her.
“Oh you fell asleep when we stopped for a bit. You were carried here by Nika.” she told him, “Wanna play?”
“Sure.” answered Rudy as he jumped on her.
They started playing. At first Rudy had the upper hand, then he was overtaken by the more skilled wolf. Then they heard a shout.
With the babysitters:
“Oh come on. Five more minutes please!” groaned Kaltag.
“But Uncle Kaltag, I want to play now!” whined Alue.
“The sun’s just rising. Go back to sleep.” he said.
“Aw.” was all that she could say. She reluctantly went back to lie down.
It was no better, maybe even worse at Nikki and Star’s separate houses. At Nikki’s house Dingo and Saba were tugging on his ears. He woke up and told them to go back to sleep. They wouldn’t listen so he got up even though he didn’t want to. He was lucky compared to Star. He was sleeping and Kodi and Jeri decided to use him as a trampoline. Star had a basket that was half under a table and half out in the open. Kodi and Jeri got ready to jump.
Kodi counted down slowly, “One, two, THREE!”
With that they leaped into the air. Jeri and Kodi landed with a thud. Star woke up with surprise and hit his head on the table.
“Youch!” he yelled as he rubbed his bruised head. “Ooh you’re in for it now!” barked Star.
He started to chase after them. Kaltag was irritating but these two were a real headache, literally. Kodi and Jeri ran into the tiled kitchen with Star hot on they’re tails. Being so low to the ground, the pups were able to turn easier. They turned around a corner and Star, not being able to turn, ran right into the wall, face first. He hit the wall with such force that a cookbook on a shelf landed right on top of his head.
“Ooh, that has got to hurt.” laughed Jeri.
“Let’s hope it knocked some sense into him.” snickered Kodi.
The trio met by the boiler room. The town had been being rebuilt ever since the flood. They had a lot of houses rebuilt but they still had more to do.
“Who was woken up early?” asked Nikki.
All three raised their paws. They turned and looked at the pups. How did they get themselves into this? How could Balto do this to them? How could Balto and Jenna keep there sanity? All questions were and will be unanswered to them.
With Balto:
Boris was not happy. “She had to come this way! Wall on one side. Dangerous canyon on other. Why does this seem to always be case? We always have to do something that is getting us closer to our deaths!”
“Boris. You have to be careful not to cause an avalanche.” cautioned Balto as he pressed himself against the wall.
“Me be quiet?! Tell the bears that!” exclaimed Boris.
Balto took a look at them. Luk started whimpering.
“Yes Luk. I think the saying was don’t look up. So that means we should look down.” Muk looked down and yelled. Luk outstretched his arms while Muk jumped into them. “That was scary!” he squealed.
“Guys, calm down and be quiet. We don’t want to start an avalanche.” Balto said sternly.
Muk and Luk zipped their lips. They continued down the mountain with the noon sun.
With Jenna:
Jenna and Koota had continued along where they could see the coast for sometime. The sun was high in the sky. They came to a fork in the road. Turning right would keep them along the coast and turning left would take them into a dense forest. Koota sniffed the air. There was something familiar about it. She stuck her nose close to the ground and sniffed around. She recognized it from somewhere.
“We should take the left.” she said.
“What? Why would we go into the forest?” Jenna asked, “My son should be along the coast.”
“I know, I know. But I smell something that I’ve smelt before that leads into the forest. I want to find out what it is. Can we go please?” she begged with her cutest face.
“Okay, fine. But as soon as we find out what it is, we’re going back to the coast.” Jenna sighed with a defeated look.
koota started sniffing at the ground again. They turned left into the dense forest.
With Rudy:
Rudy turned to look for the voice. It was a full-grown wolf. She was running to him. This wolf was a dark grey. She had white on the tips of her paws and on the end of her tail.
“Oh I’m glad you’re finally awake.” the wolf said.
“Who are you?” Rudy questioned.
The wolf took a couple of breaths and began. “I am Nika. I have been appointed to watch over you.”
Rudy recognized her. What luck! Nika was the one who had tried to let him stay and was his caretaker.
She looked at him and Tara. “I see that you have already become friends with Tara. That is good. I think she is a very nice pup. You may continue to play if you wish.”
Rudy happily obliged. The two started there wrestling again. Nika watched them play. She couldn’t stop from thinking of her lost daughter. She started thinking.
‘How could I have lost her?’
‘It wasn’t your fault. It was really foggy out.’ She argued to herself.
‘Yes but that is no excuse. I should have watched out for her more carefully.’
‘She could still be alive out there.’
‘Yes, but what are the chances that I’ll see her again?’
‘Uh, you got me there.’
She had given up on finding her daughter. It was tough for her to have lost her daughter so close after she had lost her beloved. She remembered it as clear as day. It had all happened so fast.
The storm had raged on for almost a week. Thunder and lighting ruled the skies. *KABOOM* A loud thunder clapped and lighting struck a tree. The tree was set ablaze like a torch. The fire had spread so quickly. The pack had settled down not to far away from where the fire started. Not even the storm could douse the flames. Her beloved Hikata had smelt something in the air. It was the smell of smoke. He warned everybody but it had taken to long. The fire had caught up to them. The whole pack ran with the fire at their heels. Nika, Hikata, and Koota stayed at the back of the pack to help any stragglers. Koota then tripped on a root. She fell and hit the ground. Nika and Hikata stopped to help her up. Just then a tree started to fall. Nika saw it and grabbed Koota and jumped out of the way. Hikata was not so fortunate. The tree fell on him. It broke both his hind legs. Nika heard a high-pitched yelp and turned around and screamed. She ran over to him and looked it over. He was trapped.
“Kotta get out of here!” she yelled.
Koota ran like she was told. She knew she would see her mother again. What she did not know was that she would never see her father again.
“You must get out of hear!” shouted Hikata.
“But I can’t leave you here!” she argued. She than tried to pull him out from under the fallen tree.
He shook her off. “You must. The fire will engulf you to if you do not leave here immediately. You have to go so that Koota will still have a mother.”
“But.” she started but was cut off. “Go now! And don’t look back!” he yelled.
She took one last look and ran. Tears were streaming from her eyes. She didn’t look back. She kept running. Forcing him out of her thoughts. She knew he wouldn’t make it. Oh how she wished that she could have stayed with him. How could this have happened to her? She kept going until she caught up with the pack.
“What happened to Hikata?” asked a wolf.
She fell down and started crying.
Than all of a sudden she came back to her senses. Rudy and Luna were looking at her. They had stopped playing to see her crying. She hadn’t noticed.
“What’s wrong Nika?” wondered Tara.
“Oh… nothing.” she replied.
To be continued. This was a little rushed.

By:Walto Disney

Last edited by on Fri Aug 24, 2007 11:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Surprise, Surprise Empty
PostSubject: Re: Surprise, Surprise   Surprise, Surprise Icon_minitimeMon Aug 20, 2007 9:53 pm


I loves! And get another one up while your at it! Keep 'em comin! Wink
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